It is possible to purchase prepackaged kits, but you may need to supplement them with additional items like tampons or prescription medications. Image bellow shows what I carry in my Adventure Medical Kit. I added about 8 items to my kit.
It is by no means comprehensive, but to carry for any hiking trip is an excellent set.

Bandages: Assorted sizes for small cuts, blisters, etc. I pack at least 5 tough bandages and one or 2 that are bigger or more specific to bigger cuts.
4 inch by 4 inch sterile dressing pads (5 to 10): To apply pressure to a wound and stop bleeding
Non-adherent sterile dressing (2 inch by 2 inch): Use these or Second Skin to cover blisters, burns or lacerations.
Gauze roll: Holds dressing in place.
Small roll of 1-inch adhesive tape: Holds dressings in place.
Multi-use tool or knife: Should include knife, scissors. A scalpel and blade are also useful for first aid. ( i carry the knife in my outside backpack not with the kit )
Forceps or tweezers: For removing splinters, ticks, and removing debris from wounds.
Scissors: Trauma scissors, which have a blunt end to protect the patient, can be used for cutting away clothing from injury, cutting medical tape, etc.
Safety pins: Can help remove splinters, fasten arm sling, or make a hole in a plastic bag for improvised wound irrigation.
Cotton-tip swabs: For removing foreign objects from eye, or applying antibiotic ointment.
Antiseptic towelettes: For cleaning small wounds.
Cleansing pads with lidocaine: For cleaning. Includes a topical anesthetic for abrasions, stings, etc.
Pain relievers, including aspirin and Ibuprofen: Provides relief for minor aches and pains, reduces fever, helps reduce inflammation of sprains and other injuries.
Immodium 2 mg capsules or tablets: For relief of diarrhea from intestinal infections.
Pepto Bismol: For relief from general diarrhea, abdominal upset.
After Bite: Relieves skin irritation from bites, poison oak, stings, or allergic reactions.
My extras
Small roll of duct tape (which is extremely handy for any and all repairs)
Tampon and Sanitary Pad
Tiny can opener
Camping soap sheets
Individual floss strings
Small hand sanitizer
Small fire kit
Tiny sewing kit
You can also include other commonly used items in your first aid kit: lip balm, sunscreen, and insect repellent. I personally prefer to have those in a separate kit. Check image bellow to see what I carry separately.

On the next blog, I will share the contents of my hiking backpack that I always carry, not including emergency supplies.
Your trail leader and chef, Raquel.